3DVIEWNIX download
Last updated December, 2008
The following 3DVIEWNIX resources are available:
3DVIEWNIX Data Files For The Demo
3DVIEWNIX Tutorial For The Demo
A demo version of 3DVIEWNIX can be obtained for testing purposes. Just click on the appropriate link to download a precompiled
tarred binary! If you have troubles to download this big tar file,
we also have the demo version in smaller files for those who cannot download
the whole of 3DVIEWNIX in one file.
Download: 3DVIEWNIX 1.5 (PC Linux tarred binary)
- In smaller files:
- 0-9
- A-B
- C-M
- N-Z
- a-b
- c0-co
- cp-cz
- d-e
- f
- files
- g-h
- html
- i-l
- m0-ma
- man
- mb-mz
- n
- o-r
- s
- t
- tutor
- u-z
- install script
Open: README File (For all versions)
3DVIEWNIX Data Files For The Demo :
The data sets for this demo version of 3DVIEWNIX are in separate
compressed tar files. There are three data sets available via anonymous
DATA SET Y (22 Mb)
DATA SET Z (16 Mb)
For most people DATA SET X should be sufficient to test all the modules
in 3DVIEWNIX 1.5. Please note that when you start 3dviewnix, you should be
in the directory where the data files are, or should soft link these files by
using the command :
ln -s ~3dviewnix/DATA/* .
The following is a list
of all files that can be downloaded from our FTP server and used with
the 3DVIEWNIX demo. Just click on the file to download the data set.
Please be aware of the large size of these files.
EXPER_00.IM0.Z (0.8 Mb) (CT: Dry Skull 8 bit IMAGE0 data)
EXPER_00.BS0.Z (1.3 Mb) (CT: Dry Skull binary SHELL0 data)
EXPER_00.BSI.Z (0.059 Mb) (CT: Dry Skull binary SHELL0 icon)
EXPER_00.BS1.Z (1.6 Mb) (CT: Dry Skull binary SHELL1 data)
EXPER_00.MV0.Z (0.2 Mb) (CT: Dry Skull 8 bit MOVIE0 data)
EXPER_00.SH0.Z (3.5 Mb) (CT: Dry Skull 8 bit SHELL0 data)
EXPER_00.SHI.Z (0.059 Mb) (CT: Dry Skull 8 bit SHELL0 icon)
SKULL2.IM0.Z (1.9 Mb) (CT: head 8 bit IMAGE0 data)
SKULL2.SH0.Z (12.9 Mb) (CT: head non-binary SHELL0 data)
SKULL2.SHI.Z (0.3 Mb) (CT: head non-binary SHELL0 icon)
SKULL2.MV0.Z (0.5 Mb) (CT: head 24 bit (True Color) MOVIE0 data)
106680_01.IM0.Z (3.9 Mb) (MR: head 4D, 16 bit IMAGE0 data)
mri10010a_1.IM0.Z (1.2 Mb) (MR: brain T1 8 bit IMAGE0 data)
mri10010a_2.IM0.Z (1.1 Mb) (MR: brain T2 8 bit IMAGE0 data)
naren.BS1.Z (3.3 Mb) (MR: foot binary SHELL0 structure system (4D))
naren_abs.PLN.Z (0.009 Mb) (MR: foot PLAN file of the absolute motion)
naren_rel.PLN.Z (0.008 Mb) (MR: foot PLAN file of the relative motion)
naren_003.IM0.Z (1.3 Mb) (MR: foot 8 bit IMAGE0 data (t=1))
naren_005.IM0.Z (1.3 Mb) (MR: foot 8 bit IMAGE0 data (t=2))
naren_009.IM0.Z (1.7 Mb) (MR: foot 8 bit IMAGE0 data (t=3))
naren_007.IM0.Z (1.6 Mb) (MR: foot 8 bit IMAGE0 data (t=4))
naren_011.IM0.Z (1.4 Mb) (MR: foot 8 bit IMAGE0 data (t=5))
naren_013.IM0.Z (1.4 Mb) (MR: foot 8 bit IMAGE0 data (t=6))
naren_015.IM0.Z (1.9 Mb) (MR: foot 8 bit IMAGE0 data (t=7))
naren_017.IM0.Z (1.6 Mb) (MR: foot 8 bit IMAGE0 data (t=8))
3DVIEWNIX Tutorial For The Demo :
This is just a set of simple commands to demonstrate a few of the features of
3DVIEWNIX. It assumes you have installed 3DVIEWNIX, it is in your
execution path, the files EXPER_00.BS0 and EXPER_00.BSI are in your working
directory, you have write permission in your working directory, and your
DISPLAY environment variable is set to your working X server screen.
Tutorial 1: How to import data into 3dviewnix
Tutorial 2: How to create 3D objects
Tutorial 3: How to manipulate 3D objects
Any question or concerns regarding 3DVIEWNIX should be addressed to :