=========================== 3DVIEWNIX 1.5 FTP Version =========================== Last Updated : June 2, 2004 ---------------------------- We have the FTP version in two forms: one big file, and smaller files for those who cannot download the whole of 3DVIEWNIX in one file. ------------------------------------------- Instructions for downloading smaller files: ------------------------------------------- ftp mipgsun.mipg.upenn.edu anonymous <your internet address as password> cd pub/3DVIEWNIX/BINARIES ls cd pclinux_small [or whichever _small directory is appropriate for your platform] binary mget * bye sh install ------------------------------------------- Instructions for downloading one huge file: ------------------------------------------- ftp mipgsun.mipg.upenn.edu anonymous <your internet address as password> cd pub/3DVIEWNIX/BINARIES ls - There are two compressed 'tar' files in this directory: 1) 3dviewnix_sun_solaris.tar.Z 2) 3dviewnix_pc_linux.tar.gz where (1) contains the files for Sun SPARC class of machines, (2) contains files for the PC Pentium class of machines running Linux. << use BINARY mode when FTPing the compressed tar files >> - To uncompress these files, use the following command: % uncompress 3dviewnix_sun_solaris.tar.Z (for Sun SPARC machines running Solaris 2.x (SunOS 5.x)) or % gunzip 3dviewnix_pc_linux.tar.gz (for PCs running Linux) - To extract the directory structure and the files inside them use the following command: % tar xvf 3dviewnix_sun_solaris.tar (for Sun SPARC machines running Solaris 2.x (SunOS 5.x)) or % tar xvf 3dviewnix_pc_linux.tar (for PCs running Linux) --------------------------- After retrieving the files: --------------------------- If the above procedure was successful, there should be a directory named 3dviewnix and several directories and files inside it that looks like: 3dviewnix: FILES MANUAL PROCESS README TUTORIALS 3dviewnix/FILES: ACRNEMA_V1.0.STD DEFAULT logo.1.3 SLICE_MENU_TREE ANIMATE_MENU_TREE DISPLAY_V1.0.SPC logo.MV0 SLICE_SIMPLE_MENU ANIMATE_SIMPLE_MENU ERROR_CODES logo.ps STRUCTURE_V1.0.SPC bug-form fixes makefile SURF_MENU_TREE bug-list FONTNAME man SURF_SIMPLE_MENU copy_right_chage4 HELPFILES MENU_TREE TAPE_PATH_NAME copy_right_chage5 HTML REG_MENU_TREE VOI_MENU_TREE copy_right_chage6 logo.1.1 REG_SIMPLE_MENU VOI_SIMPLE_MENU copy_right_chage_all logo.111 SCENE_V1.0.SPC copyright_header logo.1.2 SIMPLE_MENU 3dviewnix/MANUAL: manual_readme user_manual.ps 3dviewnix/PROCESS: BIN/ 3dviewnix/PROCESS/BIN: 24to8bitMV0 fg_distance MV0_to_tiff 2dfeatures filter ndclass 3dviewnix findpath ndinterpolate 8to8bitMV0 from_disk ndthreshold algebra from_IM0_interf ndvoi algebra_interf from_MV0_interf norm_interf anim_edit from_rast_interf one_feature area_profile from_SCRN optimal_threshold argsafter fuzz_ops pacs2mipg B2dfeatures fuzz_track pixel_size backup fuzz_track_3d PLN_TO_BS0 Bclusters gaussian2d PLN_TO_BS1 BIM_to_BS0 gaussian3d points_near BIM_to_BS0_smooth general2pacs read_dat166 BIM_to_BS1 get_stats register BIM_to_BS1_smooth gradient rename_series bin_mask gradient3d reslice_proc bin_ops IM0_to_pgm retrieve bin_smooth imatron_list scene_register bin_to_MSK imatron_to_IM0 SCRN_TO_SunRaster bin_volume inhomo_correct_whole segment_lung bring_data input seg_sob1 BS0_TO_BIM interpolate set_icons BS0_TO_BS1 inter_register sftvu2IM0 BS1_TO_BIM intplot_3d SH0_TO_BIM BS1_TO_BS0 intra_register shape_interp_cb cat_slice_stack invert shel3 cat_slice_stack_swab job_done shell change_tape line_filter slice class2f lmax3d slice_anal clip_movie local_maximumness slice_overlay clusters lung_shell sobel coat manipulate split_MV0 colormap mask split_series compose_MV0 mask2bin static convert_interf mask2grey stretch correct_min_max masked_stats subscenes3 correct_normals matched_reslice SunRaster_TO_IM0 create_icon matching SunRaster_TO_MV0 create_menu median2d surf create_spc median3d threshold cr_menu_tree merge_interf to_BIM crop_interf merge_surface toboggan crop_movie mi_matching to_normal ctcolon mipshell track_3d CT_to_BS0 mnpcmv track_all CT_to_BS1 modify_fileheader track_coats CV0_TO_BIM morph track_specified disp_savescreens MRscale transform distance3D MRscaleparams two_feature divide mrscaleprog viewnix dummy_proc MV0_to8 voi EasyHeader MV0_to_ppm volume fcut MV0_to_rast what_series fg_components MV0_TO_SunRaster 3dviewnix/TUTORIALS: tutorial1.ps tutorial2.ps tutorial3.ps tutorial1.txt tutorial2.txt tutorial3.txt (Please read the README file for more information) If you have any comments/suggestions on how we can improve this demo version of 3DVIEWNIX 1.5, please send us an e-mail at : Vhelp@mipg.upenn.edu Thank you, and we hope you find this demo version of 3DVIEWNIX 1.5 interesting and useful. ========================================================================== FROM THE MEDICAL IMAGE PROCESSING GROUP (MIPG), UPenn ==========================================================================