
  VGetScaleLayoutInformation - returns the available width and height of
the dialog window and the height of the multi-resolution scale.
  VGetScaleLayoutInformation(avail_width, avail_height, scale_height)
  int *avail_width;                     /*RETURN*/
  int *avail_height;                    /*RETURN*/
  int *scale_height;                    /*RETURN*/
  VGetScaleLayoutInformation returns the available width and height of
the dialog window and the height of the multi-resolution scale.
Return Value
  0 - work successfully.
  avail_width - width of the dialog window available for scale in pixels.
  avail_height - height of the dialog window available for scale in pixels.
  scale_height - height of the scale in pixels.
Side Effects
Entry Conditions
  If avail_width, avail_height, or scale_height is NULL, or VopenServer
has not been called, VGetScaleLayoutInformation prints an error message to 
the standard error stream, produces a core dump file and exits from the 
current process.
Related Functions
VDisplayScale, VEraseScale, VSetScaleInformation, VSelectScaleValue, VGetScaleInformation.