
  VGetScaleInformation - returns information about the multi-resolution
scales created in the dialog window.
  VGetScaleInformation(label, xloc, yloc, width, height, min, max, decimal)
  char *label;
  int *xloc;                            /*RETURN*/
  int *yloc;                            /*RETURN*/
  int *width;                           /*RETURN*/
  int *height;                          /*RETURN*/
  float *min;                           /*RETURN*/
  float *max;                           /*RETURN*/
  int *decimal;                         /*RETURN*/
  VGetScaleInformation returns information about the multi-resolution scales 
created in the dialog window. VGetScaleInformation returns the upper left 
coordinates, width, height, min, max, and the number of decimal of the 
specified scale. 
Return Value
  0 - work successfully.
  244 - scale does not exist.
  label - the ID of the scale.
  xloc, yloc - returns the upper left coordinates of the specified scale.
  width, height - returns the width and height of the specified scale.
  min, max - returns the min and max values of the scale.
  decimal - returns the number of decimal after the fraction point of the
        specified scale.
Side Effects
Entry Conditions
  If label, xloc, yloc, width, height, min, max, or decimal is NULL,
or VopenServer has not been called, VGetScaleInformation prints an error 
message to the standard error stream, produces a core dump file and exits 
from the current process.
Related Functions
VDisplayScale, VEraseScale, VSetScaleInformation, VSelectScaleValue, VGetScaleLayoutInformation.