
  VDrawXorBoxOrButton - creates a box/button and highlights the box/button
by XORing the foreground and background colors of the GC.
  VDrawXorBoxOrButton(win, gc, xloc, yloc, width, height)
  Window win;
  GC gc;
  int xloc, yloc, width, height;
  VDrawXORBoxOrButton - creates a box/button and highlights the box/button
by Xoring the foreground and background colors of the GC. Xoring is the
difference between the union and intersection of two regions.

Return Value
  0 - work successfully.
  win - the ID of the window to draw the box or button.
  gc - the GC to be used to draw the same; if no GC is passed it is obtained
        from the window ID.
  xloc, yloc - the xloc,yloc of the box/button to be drawn.
  width, height - the width,height of the box/button to be drawn.
Side Effects
Entry Conditions
  VCreateColormap should be called earlier,else VDrawXorBoxOrButton prints
an error message to the standard error stream, produces a core dump file and
exits from the current process.
Related Functions
VBlinkBoxOrButton, VDrawBoxOrButton, VDrawColoredBoxOrButton, VDrawXorBoxOrButton.