
  VClearWindow - clears a region in the specified window.
  VClearWindow(win, xloc, yloc, width, height)
  Window win;
  int xloc, yloc;
  int width, height;
  VClearWindow clears a region in the specified window. If the window is
dialog window, VClearWindow clears the window or the pixmap depending on
whether the dialog window is in front or back of the image window.
If the window is the image window or one of its subwindows, then VClearWindow 
clears the window itself. If the window is the button window, VClearWindow 
clears the window itself. If the width and height are equal to 0, VClearWindow
clears the whole window from the location (xloc, yloc).
Return Value
  0 - work successfully.
  6 - invalid window ID.
  258 - pixmap of the dialog window is NULL and the image window is in
        front of the dialog window.
  win - specifies the ID of the window to be cleared.
  xloc, yloc - specifies x and y coordinates of the upper left corner of the
        rectangle, relative to the origin of the image window.
  width, height - specifies the width and height of the window to be cleared.
Side Effects
Entry Conditions
  If xloc, yloc, width, or height is not valid, or VCreateWindows is not
called earlier, VClearWindow prints an error message to the standard error 
stream, produces a core dump file and exits from the current process.
Related Functions
VCreateWindows, VGetWindowInformation, VGetWindows, VGetImageSubwindows.