
  VGetImageSubwindows - returns the IDs of the subwindows.
  VGetImageSubwindows(num_subwins, subwins_id)
  int *num_subwins;                     /*RETURN*/
  Window **subwins_id;                  /*RETURN*/
  VGetImageSubwindows returns the IDs of the subwindows of the image window.
The subwindow ID is returned to *subwins_id and the number of subwindows to
*num_subwins. The space allocated by VGetImageSubwindows can be freed by
calling free().
Return Value
  0 - work successfully.
  1 - memory allocation error.
  num_subwins - the number of subwindows of the image window.
  subwins_id - the IDs of the subwindows of the image window.
Side Effects
Entry Conditions
  If num_subwins or subwins_id is NULL, or VCreateWindows is not called
earlier, VGetImageSubwindows prints an error message to the standard error
stream, produces a core dump file and exits form the current process.
Related Functions
VCreateImageSubwindow, VDestroyImageSubwindow, VGetWindowInformation.