
  VDrawColoredCenteredText - draws a text in the center of the specified
  VDrawColoredCenteredText(win, gc, text, xloc, yloc, width, height)
  Window win;
  GC gc;
  char *text;
  int xloc, yloc, width, height;
  VDrawColoredCenteredText draws a line of text in the center of the specified
region. The location and dimension of the region can be passed as agruments
to VDrawColoredCenteredText. The text is drawn in the highlight color. The
GC that is passed from outside is copied to an internal GC, whose colors
are changed.
Return Value
  0 - work successfully.
  283 - could not draw text in the specified area.
  win - the ID of the window to draw the text.
  gc - the GC to be used to draw the same; if no GC is passed it is obtained
        from the window ID.
  text - the text to be drawn.
  xloc, yloc - the xloc,yloc of the box/button with respect to the window.
  width, height - the width and height of the box/button with respect to the
Side Effects
Entry Conditions
  VCreateColormap should be called earlier,else VDrawColoredCenteredText
prints an error message to the standard error stream, produces a core dump
file and exits from the current process.
Related Functions
VDrawText, VDrawCenteredText, VDrawColoredText.