Appendix D : Source Filenames

This appendix lists the corresponding source filenames for each of the 3DVIEWNIX 1.1 interface functions.

D.1 Data Interface Functions

VCloseData     					- data_interf.c
VGetHeaderLength                                - data_interf.c 
VInitializeTape                                 - data_interf.c
VReadData                                       - data_interf.c
VReadHeader                                     - data_interf.c
VSeekData                                       - data_interf.c
VWriteData                                      - data_interf.c
VWriteHeader                                    - data_interf.c

D.2 Graphics Interface Functions

VAddButton                                      - text_button.c
VAddText                                        - text_button.c
VAppendCharacter                                - windows.c
VBlinkBoxOrButton                               - utils.c
VChangeNumberOfOverlays                         - overlay.c 
VChangePanelItem                                - dialog_interf.c
VCheckButtonEvent                               - text_button.c
VCheckEventsInButtonWindow                      - button_interf.c
VCheckInterrupt                                 - windows.c
VCheckScaleEvents                               - dialog_interf.c
VCheckTextEvent                                 - text_button.c
VClearButtonList                                - text_button.c
VClearTextList                                  - text_button.c
VClearWindow                                    - windows.c
VCopyImageWindowArea                            - image.c
VCreateColormap                                 - colormap.c
VCreateImageSubwindow                           - windows.c
VCreateMargin                                   - utils.c
VCreateThreedImageSubwindow                     - windows.c
VCreateWindows                                  - windows.c
VDeleteButton                                   - text_button.c
VDeleteText                                     - text_button.c
VDestroyImageSubwindow                          - windows.c             
VDisplayButtonAction                            - message.c
VDisplayColorImage                              - image.c
VDisplayDialogMessage                           - message.c
VDisplayDialogOnOffCommand                      - button_interf.c
VDisplayErrorMessage                            - message.c
VDisplayGrayImage                               - image.c
VDisplayHelp                                    - help.c
VDisplayImageMessage                            - message.c
VDisplayInformation                             - info.c
VDisplayJobDoneMessage                          - message.c
VDisplayMenu                                    - menu_interf.c
VDisplayOutputFilePrompt                        - button_interf.c
VDisplayOverlay                                 - overlay.c
VDisplayOverlayLine                             - overlay.c     
VDisplayOverlayMessage                          - message.c
VDisplayOverlayPoints                           - overlay.c
VDisplayOverlayRectangle                        - overlay.c
VDisplayPanel                                   - dialog_interf.c
VDisplayRunModeCommand                          - button_interf.c
VDisplaySaveScreenCommand                       - button_interf.c
VDisplaySaveScreenImage                         - button_interf.c
VDisplayScale                                   - dialog_interf.c
VDisplayStatus                                  - message.c
VDisplayTitleString                             - menu_interf.c
VDrawBoxOrButton                                - utils.c
VDrawCenteredText                               - utils.c
VDrawColoredBoxOrButton                         - utils.c
VDrawColoredCenteredText                        - utils.c
VDrawColoredText                                - utils.c
VDrawCurve                                      - overlay.c
VDrawDoubleScrollbarBox                         - utils.c
VDrawText                                       - utils.c
VDrawXorBoxOrButton                             - utils.c
VEraseDialogOnOffCommand                        - button_interf.c
VEraseOutputFilePrompt                          - button_interf.c
VEraseOverlay                                   - overlay.c
VEraseOverlayLine                               - overlay.c
VEraseOverlayMessage                            - message.c
VEraseOverlayPoints                             - overlay.c
VEraseOverlayRectangle                          - overlay.c
VErasePanel                                     - dialog_interf.c
VEraseRunModeCommand                            - button_interf.c
VEraseSaveScreenCommand                         - button_interf.c
VEraseScale                                     - dialog_interf.c
VFillImageRectangle                             - image.c
VFillOverlayRectangle                           - overlay.c 
VGetButtonLabel                                 - text_button.c
VGetButtonMode                                  - text_button.c
VGetColorcellStatus                             - colormap.c
VGetColormap                                    - colormap.c
VGetDepth                                       - colormap.c
VGetFreeColorcells                              - colormap.c
VGetImage                                       - image.c
VGetImageSubwindows                             - windows.c
VGetMenuInformation                             - menu_interf.c
VGetPanelInformation                            - dialog_interf.c
VGetReservedColors                              - colormap.c
VGetRunModeValue                                - button_interf.c
VGetSaveFilename                                - button_interf.c
VGetSaveFilenameList                            - button_interf.c
VGetSaveScreenFilename                          - button_interf.c
VGetSaveScreenSwitchValue                       - button_interf.c
VGetScaleInformation                            - dialog_interf.c
VGetScaleLayoutInformation                      - dialog_interf.c
VGetScreenSize                                  - windows.c
VGetServerScreenInformation                     - windows.c
VGetSwitchValue                                 - button_interf.c
VGetTextIdByLabel                               - text_button.c
VGetTextValue                                   - text_button.c
VGetTextValueByLabel                            - text_button.c
VGetVisual                                      - colormap.c
VGetWindowFontID                                - windows.c
VGetWindowGC                                    - windows.c
VGetWindowInformation                           - windows.c
VGetWindows                                     - windows.c
VLoadColormap                                   - colormap.c
VOpenServer                                     - windows.c
VOutputSaveScreenImage                          - button_interf.c
VPackByteToBit                                  - overlay.c 
VPrepareColorImage                              - image.c
VPrepareGrayImage                               - image.c
VPutColormap                                    - colormap.c
VPutImage                                       - image.c
VQueryTextWidth                                 - message.c
VReadMenucomFile                                - menu_interf.c
VReadMenutreeFile                               - menu_interf.c
VRedisplayButtonWindow                          - windows.c     
VRedisplayDialogWindow                          - windows.c
VRedisplayMenus                                 - menu_interf.c
VRefreshWindows                                 - windows.c
VRemoveButtonWindow                             - windows.c
VRemoveDialogWindow                             - windows.c
VRemoveMenus                                    - menu_interf.c
VRemoveScale                                    - dialog_interf.c
VRestoreDefaultColormap                         - colormap.c
VSaveColormap                                   - colormap.c
VScrollImage                                    - image.c
VSelectCursor                                   - cursors.c
VSelectMenuItem                                 - menu_interf.c
VSelectPanelItem                                - dialog_interf.c 
VSelectScaleValue                               - dialog_interf.c
VSetButtonLabel                                 - text_button.c
VSetButtonLoc                                   - text_button.c
VSetButtonMode                                  - text_button.c
VSetButtonOff                                   - text_button.c
VSetButtonOn                                    - text_button.c
VSetScaleInformation                            - dialog_interf.c
VSetTextCaret                                   - text_button.c
VSetTextLoc                                     - text_button.c
VSetTextOff                                     - text_button.c
VSetTextOn                                      - text_button.c
VSetTextValue                                   - text_button.c
VSetVisualClass                                 - colormap.c
VSleep                                          - cursors.c
VTurnOffOverlay                                 - overlay.c
VTurnOffTruecolor                               - image.c
VTurnOnOverlay                                  - overlay.c
VTurnOnTruecolor                                - image.c
VWriteMenucomFile                               - menu_interf.c
VWriteMenutreeFile                              - menu_interf.c

D.3 Process Interface Functions

VAddBackgroundProcessInformation                - proc_interf.c
VCallProcess                                    - proc_interf.c
VCancelEvents                                   - proc_interf.c
VComputeLine                                    - proc_interf.c
VDecodeError                                    - proc_interf.c
VGetInputFiles                                  - proc_interf.c
VPrintFatalError                                - proc_interf.c
VReadGlobalcomFile                              - proc_interf.c
VReadTapePathName                               - proc_interf.c
VRemoveBackgroundProcessInformation             - proc_interf.c
VSelectEvents                                   - proc_interf.c
VWriteError                                     - proc_interf.c
VWriteGlobalcomFile                             - proc_interf.c
VWriteTapePathName                              - proc_interf.c