
  VDecodeError - returns an error message to the 3DVIEWNIX.ERR file.
  VDecodeError(process, function, error, msg)
  char *process;
  char *function;
  int error;
  char msg[200];
  VDecodeError returns a string of message according to the error specified
by the user to 3DVIEWNIX.ERR file. VDecodeError also writes the name of the
process and function where the error occured and the current date. If
3DVIEWNIX.ERR is not writable or if the error is not defined in the file 
ERROR_CODES, VDecodeError prints the error message to the standard error 
stream and exits from the current process.
Return Value
  0 - work successfully.
  4 - cannot open ERROR_CODES file.
  7 - environment variable does not exist.
  279 - dialog window message area was used.
  process - specifies the name of the current process.
  function - specifies the name of the function calling this function.
  error - specifies the code number of error.
  msg - returns the string of message.
Side Effects
  If VCreateColormap has been called, certain error messages will be displayed
in the dialog window with a bell sound and pause.
Entry Conditions
  The environment variable VIEWNIX_ENV must be set to the 3DVIEWNIX system
Related Functions