
  VCheckTextEvent - checks if an event occured in a Text (Tablet) Item.
  XEvent *event;
  VCheckTextEvent checks if an event occured in a Text (Tablet) Item. If
it did, then VCheckTextEvent takes appropriate actions according to the
type of the event.
Return Value
  0 - work successfully.
  269 - no Text Item found.
  event - X-window event passed to VCheckTextEvent.
Side Effects
  The "mode" (enabled, disabled) of an Item is changed according to the
type of event.
        LEFT-BUTTON - enables a Text Item (if Item is disabled).
        LEFT-BUTTON - disables a Text Item(if Item is enabled).
        CHARACTERS - if an Item is enabled, they are appended to its value.
        DELETE - if an Item is enabled, its last character is deleted.
        SHIFT-DELETE - if an Item is enabled, its entire value is deleted.
        RETURN - if an Item is enabled, it becomes disabled.
        RETURN - if an item was just disabled by a previous  RETURN key,
                 it then enables the next Text Item on the list.
Entry Conditions
  VCreateColormap must be called first.
Related Functions
VAddText, VSetTextOn.