
  VSelectCursor - selects a cursor and displays it in the specified window.
  VSelectCursor(window_type, cursor_type)
  int window_type;
  int cursor_type;
  VSelectCursor selects a cursor and displays it in the specified window.
Besides the standard X Cursors, VSelectCursor can display DEWEY_CURSOR (160)
(for selecting landmarks on an image) and DEFAULT_CURSOR (XC_top_left_arrow). 
VSelectCursor displays the cursor in IMAGE_WINDOW (0), BUTTON_WINDOW (1), 
DIALOG_WINDOW (2), or ALL_WINDOWS (3). Use XC_watch when inout is not being 
Return Value
  0 - work successfully.
  261 - invalid window type.
  262 - invalid cursor type.
  window_type - it can be IMAGE_WINDOW (0) or BUTTON_WINDOW (1) or
        DIALOG_WINDOW (2) or ALL_WINDOWS (3).
  cursor_type - it can be any of the standard X cursors (0 to 152) or
        DEWEY_CURSOR (160).
Side Effects
  The cursor for the selected window is changed until it is reset by calling
VSelectCursor again.
Entry Conditions
  VCreateColormap should be called earlier, else VSelectCursor prints an
error message to the standard error stream, produces a core dump file and
exits from the current process.
Related Functions