
  VCheckEventsInButtonWindow - checks events in the buttons and switches.
  VCheckEventsInButtonWindow(event, refresh_func)
  XEvent *event;
  int (*refresh_func)();
  VCheckEventsInButtonWindow checks which button or switch has been turned on
by the user and passes the event to the selected button or switch.
VCheckEventsInButtonWindow checks for all the events selected by using
Return Value
  0 - work successfully.
  204 - the type of event is invalid.
  207 - the "run mode" command switch is NULL.
  208 - the savescreen command switch is NULL.
  210 - the user specified switch is NULL.
  211 - the dialog on/off  switch is NULL.
  275 - the static buttons are not displayed.
  279 - the dialog window message area was used.
  event - the event passed by the user.
  refresh_func - the refresh function passed by the caller; this is needed
	only if the the program calling VCheckEventsInButtonWindow wants
	to refresh certain 3dviewnix windows which may have been used by
  	other processes; parameters cannot be passed to the refresh_func;
	if the refresh_func is NULL, it is not executed, but no error is 
Side Effects
  Help, Information or Annotation may be displayed by pressing the static
buttons. Save file selections may be changed and output maybe done. The dialog
window maybe turned off or on. The run-mode maybe changed. Any side-effects of
refresh_func or the function passed to VDisplayOutputFilePrompt may occur.
Entry Conditions
  VCreateColormap must be called first.
Related Functions
VDisplayRunModeCommand, VEraseRunModeCommand, VDisplaySaveScreenCommand, VEraseSaveScreenCommand, VDisplayOutputFilePrompt, VEraseOutputFilePrompt, VDisplayDialogOnOffCommand, VEraseDialogOnOffCommand, VDisplayStaticButton.